Bank Mandiri sebagai perusahaan perbankan berkantor pusat di Jakarta dan merupakan perusahaan perbankan terbesar di Indonesia dalam jumlah aset, pinjaman, dan deposit.
Bank Mandiri berdiri pada tanggal 2 Oktober 1998 dan merupakan bagian dari program restrukturisasi perbankan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dan pada bulan Juli 1999, empat bank yang dimiliki oleh Pemerintah yaitu, Bank Bumi Daya (BBD), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia (Bank Exim), dan Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo), digabungkan ke dalam Bank Mandiri.
Saat ini, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Bank Mandiri membuka rekrutmen untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut ini:
Officer Development Program - Commercial Banking
General Qualifications:
Local / International graduates (S1) and postgraduates (S2) from relevant fields of studies (economic, business law, technic, etc)
Grade Point Average:
Graduate (S1): a minimum of 2.75 or equivalent;
Postgraduate (S2): a minimum of 3.20 or equivalent
Maximum age for selection (as per 30 March 2021):
25 years old for Graduates (S1)
27 years old for Postgraduates (S2)
Fluent in English for both written and verbal communication
Remain to be Unmarried during the Program (first 1 year)
Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia
Specific Qualifications:
Good networking skills in formal and non-formal organizations with various levels of correspondence.
Eager to connect with others, especially in the market, and willing to be part of any related activities in the market and in the organization in order to achieve Bank’s goals.
Good analytical thinking with good independent technique in digging for comprehensive information.
Excellent in communicating ideas in a manner to buy in the audience with effective and clear perspectives.
Entrepreneurial spirited
If you are interested in meeting the qualifications above, please
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