DKT International is a social marketing pioneer, which is located in Washington DC, USA and engaged in the family planning sector. The institution was founded by Mr. Phil Harvey, under a vision to be a bold and innovative foundation in order to improve people’s lives.

DKT International is running 21 programs in 20 developing countries, which accommodate 61% of the world population. DKT International implements social marketing program under the standard calculation of per CYP or Couple Years of Protection. CYP is an estimated number of couples protected from pregnancy by using contraceptives within one year, which is calculated on the basis of total contraceptives sold or distributed during such period. It takes 100 condoms to protect one CYP.

DKT International has been in Indonesia since 1996. It began with a condom product branded as Sutra. Then, it developed the Kontrasepsi Andalan brand in 2000, and Fiesta condoms came in 2003. It was a fairly significant achievement as the DKT’s contribution in implementing programs for family planning and prevention of sexually transmitted infection including HIV.

In 2016, DKT international managed to reach more than 8.3 million CYPs. To date, DKT Indonesia has distributed over 1.6 billion condoms in terms of all its brands since 1996.

Through social marketing strategies, DKT provides contraceptives. One of them is best quality and reasonable priced condoms. DKT products can be found in tens of thousands of stores, from pharmacies, supermarkets, to midwives and traditional kiosks. DKT is actively involved in educational campaigns and dissemination of information to alter risky behavior into safer behavior.

DKT reaches millions of people in need of information about HIV/AIDS, family planning, and reproductive health, via TV, radio, and print media. DKT’s initiatives can quickly adapt to changes in the society. Thus, DKT is always able to arrange innovative and effective programs.

Vision: DKT Indonesia is an innovative and adventurous social marketing enterprise that improves people’s live.

Mission: DKT Indonesia improves the quality of life among high-risk and low-income groups by preventing HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies using a strategy of social marketing.

Saat ini, DKT Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan dengan posisi berikut ini:

Key Account Executive (KAE)

Domisili sesuai penempatan
Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman bekerja di bidang Sales & Distribusi
Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman menangani LKA (Local Key Account)
Mengerti alur distribusi, eksekusi in-store, implementasi promo di toko
Mampu berkomunikasi & negosiasi dengan baik
Familiar dengan Ms. Office

Membangun dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan Key Account, termasuk LKA buyer di area yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya
Menyelesaikan permasalahan/keluhan yang terjadi di LKA buyer, apotik maupun minimarket.
Bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian penjualan sell-in dan sell-out, service level untuk pelanggan, eksekusi in-stores, dan implementasi kegiatan Brands.
Mengantisipasi perubahan dan perbaikan strategi LKA.
Bertanggung jawab atas hubungan baik dengan team distributor, termasuk akurasi stock forecast, stock portfolio, dan pembayaran claim/biaya.

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